Addie ('21) Defends her Dissertation, November 2020
Counseling Psychology in Chicago for APA 2019!
First row: Pascalle (UG '19), Kayla ('24), Jan-Louw ('25), Riley ('22), Dr. Frazier, Jill Fish ('20, Syed lab), Addie ('21), Emily ('22) Second row: Majel ('20), McKenzie ('22), Ummul ('21, Syed lab)
Multicultural Summer Research Opportunities Program showcase, August 2018
Viann ('19), Breni (UG '19), and Dr. Frazier.
Stress and Trauma lab goes to APS in Boston, May 2017
Back row L to R: Addie ('21), Viann ('19), Majel ('20), Dr. Frazier, Riley ('22), Federico (undergrad '18). Front row L to R: Carissa (undergrad '18), McKenzie ('22), and Katie (undergrad '18).
March for Science, St. Paul, MN, April 22, 2017
Addie ('21), Viann ('19), Dr. Frazier, and Xiang ('19, Rich Lee lab) holding sign at March for Science.
International Congress of Psychology in Yokohama, Japan, July 2016
Majel (‘20) and Goldy at the 31st ICP.
Minnesota Psychological Association conference in Plymouth, MN, April 2016
Majel ('20), Shamni (UG '16), Goldy, Karla (UG '16), Addie ('21), and Viann ('19) in front of their first-place poster at the Minnesota Psychological Association conference.
Association for Psychological Science in New York, NY, May 2015
Dr. Frazier, Goldy, Viann (‘19), AnnaMarie (‘17), Addie (‘21), and Majel (‘20).
Majel (‘20), Dr. Frazier, and Viann (‘19) after their symposium presentations.
Minnesota Psychological Association conference in Plymouth, MN, March 2015
Liza (‘16), Viann (‘19), Sam (‘13), and Goldy after their symposium presentations.
Center for Victims of Torture, Saint Paul, February 2015
Majel (‘20), Viann (‘19), Sheila (‘15), and Celia (UG ‘13) at the Center for Victims of Torture International Headquarters.
Medtronic Twin Cities 10K, October 2014
Majel (’20), Viann (’19), and Goldy after Majel’s finish in the Medtronic Twin Cities 10K in Saint Paul, MN.
Division 17 (Society of Counseling Psychology) conference in Atlanta, GA, March 2014
Viann (’19), Therese (’18), Dr. Frazier, and Alex (NICE Lab) in a photobooth.
Alex (NICE Lab), Liza (’16), Viann (’19), Goldy, Therese (’18), and Dr. Frazier at the Division 17 (Society of Counseling Psychology) conference in Atlanta, GA, March 2014